Tobbie Sanchez


Tobbie Sanchez is a Certified Social Worker at Amethyst Center For Healing that graduated from the University of Utah College of Social Work. She specializes in EMDR, trauma, domestic violence, substance abuse, adolescents, sexual violence recovery, positive psych, and has worked in integrative and holistic health for over twenty years. She loves working with adolescents, young adults, the LGBTQ community, and the alternative lifestyle community.

As a mental health practitioner, Tobbie incorporates her many years of education and experience into her work to create holistic interventions that meet her clients’ mental health needs. She pulls from her vast variety of education, knowledge, and research in shamanic healing, somatic therapies, integrative health therapies, mental health, social work, and Reiki (Tobbie is a Reiki master).

When Tobbie is not using her kind of magic to guide clients to finding their own way to healing, she can be found knitting, crocheting, paddle boarding, repetitive drumming, belly dancing, hiking, camping, skiing, reading, enjoying a good vinyl, and playing Dungeons and Dragons.

Who is Tobbie in her own words? Well, that’s the funnest answer of all:
“I am a crystal-loving, sage-slinging hippie who loves metal. I like to consider myself polyjamerous, but metal music is my go-to. Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I start decorating in August.”